upcoming events

The UMD Puzzlehunt will start on January 02, 2021 at 12:00 PM EST. This event will be entirely online!

Meanwhile, take a look at our archives.

What is a puzzlehunt?

A puzzlehunt is an event designed for teams to compete with each other by solving puzzles. Puzzlehunts will also have a metapuzzle (or several), a puzzle that uses the answers from all the other puzzles.

If you have more questions, refer to our FAQ or archives for examples.

who are we?

We are a student club made up of puzzle solvers and writers at the University of Maryland, College Park. The club’s goal is to introduce puzzles to the UMD community by hosting public meetings and running an annual puzzlehunt.

How can I get involved?

In most semesters, we host meetings where anyone can walk in and solve a couple of puzzles. You can also participate in our events. If you’re interested in joining the writing team or have other questions, email us at umdpuzzle@gmail.com.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.